Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neurology  ( ISSN : 2996-5624 )

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neurology

ISSN: 2996-5624

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neurology stands as a beacon of knowledge in the realm of neuroscience, providing an international, multidisciplinary forum for groundbreakingly research and scholarly discourse. As an open-access, peer-reviewed publication, it offers a platform for leading researchers to disseminate their findings through novel research articles, comprehensive reviews, insightful commentary, instructive case reports, and thought-provoking editorials.

Recent advancements in experimental techniques and theoretical methodologies have ushered in a new era of understanding in neurobiology, un the intricacies of longstanding inquiries with increasing clarity and accessibility.

The primary objective of the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neurology is to serve as a vital publishing platform for neurologists, offering a comprehensive source of the latest research in the field. By fostering a hassle-free publication process, the journal endeavour's to facilitate the seamless sharing of scientific knowledge within the neurobiology community. It provides researchers and scholars with an opportunity to contribute to and engage with the broader neurobiology community, offering assistance and support in the review process and the dissemination of novel research findings.

The journal invites unpublished manuscripts covering a wide array of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Neurophysiological and pharmacological aspects
  • Neurological disorders
  • Cellular and molecular neuroscience
  • Development of the nervous system
  • Sensory and motor systems and behaviour
  • Regulatory systems
  • Higher cognition and language
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Disorders of the brain
  • Clinical neuroscience

Through its inclusive scope and commitment to excellence, the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neurology strives to advance our understanding of the intricate workings of the nervous system and its myriad disorders, ultimately contributing to the improvement of patient care and outcomes in neurology.

Track Your Paper: Our Editorial Tracking System will guide you through the stages from the moment your article has been submitted until it is published. Every step is described, and we will let you know whether action is required.

Quality Publication: We have our standards and criteria for classification. Using leading-edge technologies, we aim to make publishing worldwide safer, plagiarism-free, and approachable to researchers. We are committed to maintaining optimal quality standards across all our publications. From editing to layout to distribution, we strive to exceed expectations at every stage of the process.

No Profit-Oriented Goal Setting, No Hidden Clues: Our non-profit collaboration is driven by the desire to accelerate scientific discoveries and make scientific content open and available to a wider readership, gain media attention, and demonstrate professional achievement through publication.

Rapid and Fast Publication: All segments of the manuscript processing-related communications are transparent, rapid, and effortless which in other ways helps to complete the article processing within the promised timeline.

Submission Process: Authors may submit the manuscript either online or as an email attachment to

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