Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology adhere strictly to a prescribed format for all articles, ensuring a consistent and uniform publication standard.
As an open-access scientific journal, the Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology publishes articles quarterly, employing a single-blind peer review process. Upon the authors' request, we can facilitate a double-blind peer review process. Additionally, fast-track peer review is available upon request, with an average review time of 14 days. Accepted articles are typically published online within 7 days after acceptance.
Manuscripts may be submitted via the Editorial Tracking Portal or as email attachments to
Open Access Policy
All published articles are freely accessible for viewing, copying, downloading, and printing by all individuals without any legal, technical, or financial barriers.
Public Access Policy
In compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy, articles funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other Federal agencies are submitted to PubMed Central (PMC) immediately after publication.
Plagiarism Analysis
All articles must contain a minimum of 75-80% unique content. Specifically, the Results, Discussion, and Conclusion sections must exhibit 100% uniqueness. Articles falling below the 75% unique content threshold will be returned to authors for revision and resubmission until the adequate uniqueness limit is met.
Article Processing Charges
The Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology is self-financed and does not receive funding from any institution or government. Therefore, the journal operates solely through processing charges received from authors. Authors are required to pay a basic article processing fee to cover expenses related to online hosting, article production, editing charges, and maintaining our professional team involved in technical and editorial activities, post-production, author-proofing, quality assurance, indexing, and submission to electronic citation databases such as Crossref, Research Gate, and Google Scholar. Payment is required only after manuscript acceptance.
For the convenience of authors, the publication charges amount to 1390 USD. These charges are uniform, ensuring that scholars from any country can publish their work without encountering financial barriers. In special circumstances, such as funding availability or the significance of the articles, publication charges may be reduced. Authors seeking a waiver on publication charges can contact the publisher for further assistance.
Article Categories
Original Articles: Reports of original research data.
Reviews: Comprehensive descriptions of any subject within the journal's scope, usually written by field experts invited by the Editorial Board.
Case Reports: Clinical case reports providing educational value, describing diagnostic or therapeutic dilemmas, suggesting associations, or presenting important adverse reactions. Authors must clearly outline the clinical relevance or implications of the case and confirm informed consent for publication from patients or their guardians.
Commentaries: Short opinion articles on subjects within the journal's scope, often addressing contemporary issues or recent research findings, typically authored by opinion leaders. These articles encourage open discussion in scientific research.
Letters to the Editor: These may consist of substantial re-analyses of previously published articles, substantial responses to such re-analyses from the original authors, or articles relevant to readers but not covering standard research.
We encourage authors to submit their research-based findings and high-quality theoretical insights.
Authors are advised to check the following items before manuscript submission:
Covering Letter: A declaration by the corresponding author affirming the manuscript's originality, confirming it is not published or under consideration elsewhere, and asserting compliance with national and international laws on human, animal, and environmental rights. All contributing authors must adhere to the declaration signed by the corresponding author.
Title Page: Complete title of the study, list of all authors with their full names and affiliations, abbreviated title for the running head, corresponding author's name and address, contact telephone, fax number, and email address. Affiliations should be identified with superscript numbers matching the appropriate institution. Each manuscript page must be numbered in the top right corner.
Abstract and Keywords: A concise abstract (not exceeding 500 words) summarizing the study's scope, methodology, findings, conclusions, and limitations, followed by at least five keywords reflecting the manuscript's theme.
Introduction: Provides foundational information about the study, referencing similar studies and raising key questions.
Methods and Materials: Describes the research methods, including sample size, technique, and tools for data collection and interpretation.
Results: Presents conclusions drawn from data analysis.
Discussion and Analysis: Analyzes data statistically, supporting observations with evidence.
Tables, Figures, Graphs, and Diagrams: Must include captions and legends, presented in numerical order for tables and appropriate formats for charts, diagrams, and images.
Conclusion: Summarizes study findings.
Limitations & Recommendations for Future Studies: Defines study limitations and provides recommendations for future research.
References: Formatted in the National Library of Medicine style, sequentially numbered, and cited in square brackets in the order of appearance in the text. Only published or press articles and publicly available datasets may be cited.
Acknowledgments: Acknowledges individuals, institutions, organizations, and funding agencies contributing to the study.
Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose commercial associations potentially creating conflicts of interest and acknowledge any ghostwriters involved in manuscript preparation.
Appendix: Supplementary information not included in the manuscript, including questionnaires and guidelines.
Abbreviations: Expanded technical terms placed at the end of the study for clarity.