Archives of Medical Research and Health Sciences  ( ISSN : 2994-6379 )

Brief Report - Volume 3, Issue 1 (2021)

Unveiling the Vital Functions of Thyroid and Adrenal Peptides in Thyroid Therapy: An Exploration

Muhammad A. Shahid*

University of New England School of Osteopathic Medicine, USA

Correspondence to: Muhammad A. Shahid, University of New England School of Osteopathic Medicine, USA, MA, USA. E-mail:

Received: June 21, 2021; Accepted: July 08, 2021; Published: July 18, 2021

Citation: Shahid MA. Unveiling the Vital Functions of Thyroid and Adrenal Peptides in Thyroid Therapy: An Exploration. Arch Med Res Health Sci. 2021;3(1):08-09.

Copyright: © 2021 Shahid MA. This open-access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Premature or accelerated aging is characterized by exhaustion and the gradual deterioration of vital bodily systems, including the immune, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, reproductive, and visual systems. Clinical studies suggest that the primary mechanism behind accelerated aging is dysfunction in cell metabolism, wherein cells in various tissues enter a state of antibiosis, cease dividing, and eventually succumb to cell death.

Prominent scientists worldwide have long argued that many diseases are directly linked to disruptions in protein synthesis, namely, cell metabolism. A major critique of modern drugs is their perceived limitation in acting independently and planning responses due to their molecular-level impact on tissues. In contrast, drugs utilizing tissue-specific short peptides are praised for their precision at the atomic level when influencing human tissue cells, devoid of significant side effects and aligned with an individual's genetic characteristics.

Over 40 years ago, Russian scientists isolated short biopeptides from tissues and organs of young, healthy animals, conducting experiments that demonstrated the tissue-specific functions of these biopeptides. Notably, these peptides only function in the tissue from which they were derived, showcasing the concept of tissue-specific bioregulation. Further experiments revealed that the introduction of short biopeptides could normalize metabolism in tissue-specific to these peptides, particularly in older animals with sluggish and disturbed metabolism.

Moreover, short biopeptides were found to activate stem cells, leading to the development of tissues specific to the peptide applied. While the isolation of short peptides from biological tissue is a complex and costly process, recent discoveries indicate that dipeptides and tripeptides, formed during the breakdown of animal proteins in the digestive tract, can be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, reaching cells that require them.

Studies with extracts from various organs and tissues of young animals, containing natural peptides with a molecular weight of up to 10 kDa, yielded results comparable to those with short synthetic peptides. Natural peptides exhibit a more gradual but sustained effect, known as an aftereffect, persisting even months after discontinuation. These preparations, often referred to as peptide bioregulators, are considered natural nutrients and are classified as dietary supplements or medicinal foods.


Natural biopeptides from the glands of the endocrine system, such as thyroid or adrenal peptides, do not contain hormones and do not have hormonal effects. Rather, they act as intelligent nutrients for cells, restoring the physiological level of regulatory peptides in cells, which is crucial for normal cell function. A small clinical study with an extract of the thyroid gland of young calves demonstrated positive effects in patients with primary hypothyroidism, improving clinical manifestations and enhancing overall well-being.