Journal of Clinical Trials and Case Reports  ( ISSN : 2997-8416 )

Research Article - Volume 1, Issue 1 (2023)

Influences of Semen Parameters and Malondialdehyde Levels on Male Infertility

Colloidal Baccetti*, De Blasi, Costantino Ceccarini

Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

Correspondence to: Colloidal Baccetti, Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy. E-mail:

Received: May 30, 2023; Accepted: June 19, 2023; Published: June 26, 2023

Citation: Baccetti C, Blasi D, Ceccarini C. Influences of Semen Parameters and Malondialdehyde Levels on Male Infertility. J Clin Trial Case Rep. 2023;1(1):17-23.

Copyright: © 2023 Baccetti C. This open-access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Seventy samples were gathered from males experiencing either primary or secondary infertility, while 35 samples were obtained from fertile individuals serving as the control group.

Throughout the study, the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for semen parameters were consistently applied. These criteria encompassed aspects such as age, specimen volume, total sperm count/mL, sperm morphology, specimen pH, liquefaction time, and sperm activity. The impact of reactive oxygen species was assessed by measuring malondialdehyde concentration.

A computerized system (General Sperm Analyzer, Motic type) was employed to assess the semen parameters. Seminal plasma from liquefied samples was collected through centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 7 minutes, and the plasma was stored frozen (-80°C) until use. The concentration of malondialdehyde in seminal plasma was determined using the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) technique.

Keywords: Malondialdehyde; Seminal parameters; Infertile males.